Campus Public Safety Advisory Council

The Campus Public Safety Advisory Council (CPSAC) exists to assist the Chief of Police and the University Police Department in remaining responsive to the needs of the campus community and by providing input on issues surrounding public safety, crime abatement, and campus security. The primary role of the CPSAC is advisory and consultative, focused on programs, policies, and procedures. The University Police Department and its policies, procedures, and operations remain the responsibility of the Chief of Police.

Typical functions of the CPSAC include but are not limited to:

  • Advise and provide information and feedback to the Chief of Police regarding emerging and identified public safety issues that could potentially impact the Western community, as well as the ways in which these could be best addressed. Some of these issues include: training, data analysis of policing activities, and achieving departmental accreditation status.
  • Advise and provide information and feedback to the Chief of Police regarding ways relationships between University Police and university populations can be strengthened and enhanced. These relationships include: student leadership, student organizations, the student body at large, faculty and staff organizations, and university committees.
  • Assist in developing a mechanism for the University Police Department to collect feedback regarding their efforts to meet the needs of the campus community and community satisfaction.  


Chief of Police - Co-Chair
Director, University Residences - Co-Chair
Dean of Students
Assistant Attorney General
Assistant Dean of Students
Bellingham Police Department Representative
Campus Community Coalition Coordinator
Director, Counseling Center
Director, University Communications and Marketing
Employment Inclusion Manager, Human Resources
Equal Opportunity Office Representative
Faculty Representatives (2)
Student Representatives (4)
Staffed by the Department of Public Safety

Appointment Terms

Student appointments shall be for one academic year. All others shall be for two years. All Council members are eligible for reappointment with the concurrence of the Chief of Police and the Vice President for Business and Financial Affairs.

Members who fail to attend three consecutive regular meetings may be considered to have vacated their positions, and may be replaced by the Chief of Police, in concurrence with the Director of University Residences. Members are expected to meet their Council responsibilities. Failure to do so may result in removal by the co-chairs.


Meetings shall be called by the co-chairs. The CPSAC will generally meet multiple times each academic quarter, but not more than monthly. Meetings will be set with a minimum of one week’s notice.

Member Responsibilities 

Each member is expected to establish an informed understanding of the University Police Department through: 

  • Participating in scheduled orientation sessions
  • Participating in a ride along
  • Reading selected documents such as annual reports, research documents, and other relevant material as identified by the Co-Chairs.

Other member responsibilities include: 

  • Attending regularly scheduled meetings.
  • Providing feedback to the Chief of Police regarding areas that may affect the safety and security of Western's campuses, including crime abatement, general campus security, public safety programs, and public safety policies and procedures.
  • Promoting the free exchange of ideas and participating in a collaborative, inclusive manner. 

To Join

  • Submit a letter of interest to the Co-Chairs.
  • Co-Chairs will consult with AS President or designee for student representation on the council, as well as consult with the Provost’s Office for faculty representation.
  • Co-Chairs will determine whether to appoint.

Committee Members

Name Department
Katy Potts (Co-Chair) Chief of Police, University Police Department 
Leonard Jones (Co-Chair) Director, University Residences 
Darin Rasmussen Risk, Ethics, Safety, Resilience
vacant Assistant Attorney General
Michael Sledge Associate Dean of Students
vacant Bellingham Police Department
vacant Public Safety
vacant University Police Department
Sarah Godoy Counseling and Wellness Center
John Thompson University Communications and Marketing
Litav Langley Director of LGBTQ+ Western
Lawton Tufts, J.D. Civil Rights Investigator
Eric Scott, J.D. Civil Rights Investigator
Pat Gillham Sociology Department
vacant Accounting Department
vacant Associated Students Representative
vacant Associated Students Representative
vacant Associated Students Representative
vacant Associated Students Representative
Paula Matthysse University Police Department

For more information about the Campus Public Safety Advisory Council, please contact either of the committee chairs by clicking on their name in the table above.